Over the years, we've been fortunate never to have small birds, small crawling mammals, small flying mammals, or any other animal of notable size in our chimney and / or attic. My in-laws on the other hand have experienced all of the above at least once.
After returning home from a Christmas visit to the St. Louis area, I heard a strange noise in our breezeway (enclosure that connects our house and garage). The breezeway is part of the house with doors, windows, and walls. As I opened the door, I saw enough fluttering about to make me duck, even though the storm door was still closed.
Upon further inspection, I discovered a small hawk sitting on top of our freezer! The following is a textual dramatization: The hawk entered the garage by going under the big garage door, left propped open for the dog (cawwww, cawwwww). After eating a couple of our small garage rodents for lunch, the hawk decided to probe deeper into the human space. The hawk hopped/flew through the bottom pane of the aluminum storm door between the garage and breezeway (missing a screen due to chronic kids) (cawwwww, cawwww, cawwwwww). After pecking his way into a root beer, the hawk became discouraged because he could not find any more rodents, and the freezer was stuck shut. What to do??? Poop....a lot!
Fortunately, all I had to do was open the outside door and step back (and down) and he took his leave.
2009 mouse tally: +1